Bouquet Subscription





Pick up a premium mixed bouquet of spring flowers for 4 weeks. The start time will be determined by the flowers’ bloom timing, typically beginning in late March then lasting 4 weeks. These bouquets will include a beautiful mix of the best blooming varieties we have in the field such as tulips, ranunculus, and anemones. Skip the Saturday line and have a guaranteed bouquet made just for you. Can’t make it? Send a friend or spouse to pick it up for you. Pick up will be on Wednesdays from our flower stand. All specific pick up details will be communicated via email.


All subscribers must agree to Terms and Conditions

Please read our F.A.Q!



Dates: Crop dependent, end of March typical start!

Pick Up: Wednesdays 9am to 7pm weather permitting 

Cost: $140





Pick up a premium mixed bouquet of early summer flowers every week during the month of June. These bouquets will include a beautiful mix of the best blooming varieties we have in the field often including sunflowers, snapdragons, zinnias, and statice. Skip the Saturday line and have a guaranteed bouquet made just for you. Can’t make it? Send a friend or spouse to pick it up for you. Pick up will be on Wednesdays from our flower stand. All specific pick up details will be communicated via email. 

All subscribers must agree to Terms and Conditions

Please read our F.A.Q!



Dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25

Pick up: Wednesdays 9am-12pm and 6pm-8pm 

Cost: $120